Monday, April 4, 2011

Burn me up a thick one.

Today I made the greatest meal that I have ever single-handedly made. I whipped up twice-baked potatoes...with sour cream, cream cheese w/chives, cheddar cheese, and bacon bits...they were phenomenal. Then I burnt up a top sirloin to perfection...I'm diggin the cowboy rub. Clearly it was all washed down with a diet Dr. Pepper. Good times.


Angie said...

RUB IT IN why don't you.

That's probably like a zillion points. Which I am thinking of, of course, as I get ready to go to the gym to try and work some off.

People who have fast metabolisms ... do they know how good they got it?

I do like your grin in the pic, though, little bro. ;]

Brittany said...

Yum. I hope I get a chance to try one of your BBQ creations. I also like your grin here.

Diane said...

Please tell me Chrissy didn't have her pot pie.

Anonymous said...

I was treated to this very tasty dish as well. And I say ............
YUM! Excellent cooking Zach!