Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the long awaited arrival

well following in the footsteps of my older brother and sister who've recently created blogs...i have decided to pleasure y'all with my long awaited, and much anticipated arrival on the blog scene. to be completely honest, i created this blog a while ago...i was just waiting for something exciting to happen to make a first post. so with my siblings establishing themselves on the blogging scene, and the arrival of a new san antonio spur (roger mason,jr.)...i have made my grand entrance. (is the lack of real excitement in my life apparent?) i just finished one of the highlights of my week in playing ball at the church, the guy trying to guard me had a rough night. good times.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
(not sure if it's illegal to put this picture on here...not sure about all the rules and stuff)


Charlene said...

I'm glad the other guy had a rough night and not you. :)

Angie said...

I will not make any copyright comments. Because I and many other bloggers do it all the time.

Most of the time I try to put a link or a mention of where I found the picture. But not always.