Wednesday, May 27, 2009

That Chrissy Freeman


Diane said...

Well THAT made me cry. Thanks for loving her the way we do. The way she deserves. It puts a smile on a parent's heart:)

Rebex said...

Aww, you made a Chrissy collage! That's so cute!!!

Brittany said...

I'm a dork...once I turned up the volume on my computer and heard that song with the pictures you chose it made me cry too!

Chrissy said...

Now everyone understands what I mean when I say I am a lucky girl.

Christina said...

I'm a friend of Chrissy's... that was super sweet. I love the song too. It's very fitting and congratulations to both of you!

jackie herself said...

oh dear heavens. i can not wait to meet you.