Saturday, September 24, 2011

American Soldier

As you can see becoming a soldier is the fulfillment of a dream for me. I've always had a desire somewhere inside of me to be an "Army guy." It will be my honor and privilege to serve this country that I love, and to be called an American soldier.
Me and my dad, the of my greatest heroes and's an honor to wear the same uniform that he has so dutifully worn for longer than I've even been alive.


Angie said...

YAY! You found a pic of you as a little dude. That was one thing I was going to do this summer. Didn't make it that far into the project. :/

Amber Faull said...

I'm so glad everything worked out, maybe not as planned, but I think your job sounds awesome. Those are all great pictures of you.

Charlene said...

Well, this certainly brought a tear to my eyes. I'm proud of all my "Army Guys".